Other needs:
- Dressers. The kids keep their clothes in plastic bags, which tend to get moldy quickly
- Mircowave. The oven does not work.
- Space heater. The place they are living now has no heat. They use the stove top to heat the house, which produces carbon monoxide, which is dangerous.
- crock pot
They are trying to get into a new house down the street. They need $600 ($200 deposit and 1st month's rent). They have to have all the utilities paid off in order to transfer the account without paying all the deposits again. They are borrowing $300 from a relative and are hoping to have the rest by this next Wednesday. You know how this works. It is a zero sum game. You pay one bill by taking money that is also needed for food. Want to help? I know throwing money at something is not a good long term solution and can potentially enable people, but they are not asking for anything. I am just letting you know some of their situation. We throw money at much less noble things. Drop into your heart and listen, and then obey what you sense God is telling you. No guilt, just the way it is supposed to work.
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